Sunday, June 11, 2006

What I have been doing

I am writing this instead of cleaning off my bed so I can sleep in it tonight.
I cleaned off all the hard stuff, books and papers, and let the soft stuff keep me company.

I am writing this instead of taking all my work receipts and putting them in order.
I did some sorting through receipts while waiting to have coffee with a friend. I will try to paste them up, so I can send them out in the mail tomorrow. Reimbursement is a strong motivator.

I could be researching graduation presents for my nieces, or packing the presents I’ve already gotten for them, or writing out the cards I’ve picked up for them.
Other than moving some of the pieces I’ve already purchased to the same place, this has not been done.

I could be doing a scale drawing of the wall in my front room, to see what configuration of bookcases and storage units I should buy.
I cannot find the sheet ‘not to scale’ where I wrote down all the measurements. I will try to find it one more time, before I re-measure everything.

I might go down to the basement and reorganize the stuff I mean to keep and the stuff I want to get rid of.
I did 10% of this. Maybe 8%.

I could vacuum the cat hair off the couch.
But I didn’t.

I could be studying the next chapter for the group discussion I’ve joined.
I read through all the posts in Chapter 1 and 2. I will try to get through Chapter 3 before bed.

I could be rewriting all of my web pages so there are no more tables for formatting.
This may take a while, but I’ve scheduled time to work on it tomorrow.

I could be watching Akira Kurosawa’s Ran.
Monday night? Tuesday? Netflix, no late fees.

I could be putting together a wash.
And put it in the dryer? Probably
And bring it upstairs? Possibly
And fold it and put it away? Probably not.

It’s possible I could undertake to throw out all the junk mail,
From the dining room table. ½ way done.

alter the dress for a friend,
began, not finished.

redo my portfolio (in perpetuity throughout the universe),
not today.
put away any left out winter clothes, throw out old spices, touch up the paint holidays,
no, no, no.
and stop thinking about how to contact someone.
Yes, and contacted them!

Dance more. Eat less. Remember to floss my teeth.

I also steam set the appliqués I’m working on for a project, went to the bank, bought fabric, but didn’t find trim for dress alteration. Bought a piece of fabric to make scarves or belts. Found out about a new website. Received encouragement, and hopefully gave some as well.
So far, so good.


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