Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Art for the Day is: The Art of Singing to yourself

I caught myself doing this yesterday in the car with the windows down, and the people in the next lane looking aside. I sing to myself a lot. Not usually in the shower, although it's true that the water and the walls make you sound terrific, but in the car, at the computer, while I'm cleaning house. For what it's worth, this is a cappella singing, not singing along with a radio or CD (although I will do that in the car). I sing when I'm happy, for the most part, or blue, and it tends to be an eclectic mix from show tunes, to folk songs, to rock standards, to arias.

As a kid I remember being sent to my room over doing something wrong, and working out my anger in an original recitative. Hey, there's another epimetheism. At the time I had no idea I was being operatic.


At 9:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've sung to myself all my life, and still give my best performances to myself ("Wow...did I really reach that note?"). I'm a showering, cleaning, and driving singer. I have a repertoire, but sometimes odd songs will pop up in my head. If I don't know all the lyrics, I'll obsess about it until I can look them up on the (blessed) Internet. Case in point: a couple of weeks ago (this is almost embarrassing), I got into my head "I'm an Old Cowhand." So I looked up the lyrics, and now have them memorized (I think). I knew it was a funny song, but it's even funnier when you know all the words. Hope and Crosby did it, I believe.

My ex showed all the signs of being embarrassed when I sang. Now my sweet boyfriend loves my singing, and we even did a (one-time) karaoke many months ago (California Dreamin'). It's great when we're on a road trip, as we can play CDs and put up with my singing, as my mood dictates. I strongly believe that singing is a gift, and I really hate when people put down other people who don't sing perfectly. How ridiculous is that. How can we teach children that singing is fun and healthy and joyous if they think they have to be held to professional standards (which aren't so great, these days, BTW)?

My family used to sing all together on car trips. It's one of the better memories I have. Until not too long ago, I sang to my younger son at bedtime...he insisted on it! The best audience I ever had. The command performances have ceased (how sad), but we occasionally sing and even dance together. That's what it's all about (with no reference to the Hokey-Pokey).


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