Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Art of the Day is: Patience
Yesterday I was impatient, and I had a cooking disaster. This was especially disappointing because I had cooked the same thing two days before, BRILLIANTLY, a personal best. It's one of those recipes you have to multiply (unless you are a family of two skimpy eaters), and I miscounted how many times I made it (first mistake), tried to correct it by sight and feel (second mistake) and then cooked it in a pot without a tight enough seal on the lid. I was distracted by other people trying to do things around me, and trying to teach someone how to cook at the same time, but all in all, my frustration and rushing was the cause. Oh, the shame, embarrassment and indignation.
But I also showed great patience in not reacting to something that would have sent me off on a tiff or tirade mere weeks ago. And had time to rethink, and not over respond.
It seems it takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place, and sometimes you have to run forwards and backwards in the same day.


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