Friday, April 14, 2006

The Art for the Day is: the art of appreciating what you've got.

I tend to schedule things around events, holidays, celebrations, work deadlines. I don’t think I’m unique in this, but I tend to push things off: “I’m not going to think about that until after this.” Or sometimes I’ll even make To Do After lists.
Today is the day after one of those events, which took place yesterday, and so I have more psychic space to think about projects I’ve been putting off, or set some new goals, to readjust my priorities.
1.this is coinciding with a major/ or another house cleaning effort, which in itself has 3 parts:
a) a sort of general spring cleaning
b) an ongoing attempt to divest accumulated stuff
c) preparing the interior to be painted at the end of the month
2. getting back to stalled projects:
This is a little overwhelming, as I feel like there are four or five areas I want to work on, and could spend a good amount of time on each. I’ve done some work on unraveling this (see post), and this may best be approached like a strict diet, making sure I have the things I need on hand, and having a daily plan and sticking to it.
3.getting back to stalled diets and exercise:
Planning and cleaning.
This is also helped by the season, holidays, history.
Spring. Renewal. Spiraling cycles.


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