Sunday, March 12, 2006

Vicarious living

I’ve been reading peoples’ blogs and posts from SXSW, and it seems REALLY sunny in Austin this weekend. I am delighted that friends are having fun. I am also recognizing buzz words that were going over my head just a while ago, and that has something to do with this blog, and caring about stuff I had no interest in before. That’s good.
My timing seems disorganized, my house messy, and I need to change shampoos, but the cat seems to be doing better (I’ve started giving him his medicine separately, and he is eating better), and I’m getting good feedback and the days are getting warmer and longer, so I’m not complaining, or dwelling on the dark stuff. Hit and move on. Touch and let go.
Touch is a whole ‘nother subject. Not vicarious at all.

The Art of the Day is: the Art of forward motion


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