Sunday, February 19, 2006

What I'm trying to say is

People who insist upon speaking metaphorically ought to be willing to explain themselves to people who don't. The tricky part comes when people sometimes get it, and sometimes don't.
My mother and my sister would try to finish sentences for me when I was searching for the right word. What is the right word? A Goldielocks word, neither too hard or too soft, too hot or too cool. Just right.
Words have power. I must have learned that early. Rumplestiltskin and the Golem (Rumplestiltskin was defeated when the princess learned his name, the Golem came to life when Rabbi Loeb placed the name of God in his mouth).
And I'm also guilty of not speaking out, of saying too little, of trying to do all the thinking in my head and not talking it out, and being impatient with people who do think aloud.
'Nuf said. for now.

The Art of the Day is: The Art of Verbal Clarification.


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