Saturday, August 26, 2006

The Art of the Day is: the art of the hunt re: shopping

I'm working on a project for Novel, who is designing a show in Boston, and I am collecting old comforters for her. This means I am going to all the local thrift stores looking for fluffy or lumpy bargains. This is turning out to be great fun.
I like shopping for someone else. My brother does this by buying books for people, notably his children, which have something to do with something they are particularly interested in. I do it to him by finding interesting condiments for him to try.
This behavior is a sub-set of good gifting, but this is about the finding, the sourcing, and the bargain.
I am one of those people who can bargain with a vendor. It is a skill my late husband totally lacked. He would make me deal with car salesmen and servicemen. OK. No problem. I can also say no to telephone solicitors. A strange and interesting skill set.


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