Sunday, May 20, 2007

Fiddleheads, Revisited

So, I walk into my local New England grocery store, and what do I find:

Fiddlehead ferns.

Last year I told you how I was introduced to fiddleheads as harbingers of warm weather, and a tasty, green New England treat. This year I went online to find a new way to prepare them, only to find out that I pretty much already knew what to do with them.

Fiddleheads must first be cleaned of any dirt, deadish material and brown leaves. Then they can be prepared in several different ways: steamed, roasted, stir fried or pickled (this does not appeal to me, I’m not sure why). Basically they can be used like any leafy or woody green vegetable. Substitute them for broccoli or asparagus in soups or quiches. Use them like spinach in pasta dishes. Blanche them and use them instead of green beans or asparagus in salads.

Here's a link to some of the better recipes I found:

But remember, you already have favorite recipes that can become fiddlehead recipes by merely substituting the ferns for other veggies.

The art of the day is: Finding new recipes from old.


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