Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Art of the Day is: Dealing with Left Overs

Not just the stuff in the refrigerator, but the stuff that defies fitting into basic categories. The junk drawers and miscellaneous files. Other.
The food stuff is actually the easiest. Things can become other things, soups and sauces, fillings, or history. I have thrown out food before.
When things are sitting in a drawer or a box with no particular place to go, my instinct is to make smaller boxes. Some of my most singular "treasures" are small. Toy sized. Toy like. Well, that's their function isn't it? Some people are more toy prone than others. I guess I'm one of those folks. I generally like things, and see things as potential other things. And I think that is a good thing.
Every once and a while I need to clean out the fridge, I need to sort through the miscellaneous boxes. I need to decide what to throw out and what's worth keeping, but I don't have to throw out all my toys. I intend to remain playful.

Happy Year of the Pig


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