Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Art of the Day is: Ambiguity

"AMBIGUITY (Fr. ambiguit y , med. Lat. ambiguitas, from Lat. ambiguus, doubtful; ambi, both ways, agere, to drive), doubtfulness or uncertainty. In law an ambiguity can be patent or latent,
Patent ambiguity is that ambiguity which is apparent on the face of an instrument to any one perusing it, even if he be unacquainted with the circumstances of the parties.
Latent ambiguity is where the wording of an instrument is on the face of it clear and intelligible, but may, at the same time, apply equally to two different things or subject matters."- Encyclopedia Britannica 1911.
When asked if I was being ambiguent on purpose, intentionally and obviously trying to obscure or confuse, or just confused and unclear, I fear my answer must be ambiguous. I don't know if I know, or I know I don't know.


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