Friday, September 29, 2006

Envy, Jealousy

I admit, I get them confused. You are envious of some thing someone has, and jealous of the person, ie: I want what he has (envy), I want to be that person (jealousy)?

Basically, I don't care. I just want to find the way out of feeling either way.

What is the opposite of jealousy? I want more of that. Is that envy? What is the opposite of envy? I need to develop that.

Both envy and jealousy seem to be in the "I want/ I lack" side of the scale of things. What am I missing? And what should I do about it? Doing something about it seems to be the next logical step, and I expect it is out of my comfort zone, more like exercising than finding a solution, more like training than learning, practicing than playing. The dreaded “acting as if”. OK.

I wrote this in July, and never posted it. After rereading the post, I’ve decided that what I wrote is still true, but I am more comfortable with the idea of doing something about it, and that whatever “it” is, the feelings are less immediate, and I’m more amenable to the thought of stretching, or exercising.

Are feelings like weather in New England? Wait a while, they’ll change.

The Art of the Day is: the art of acting as if


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